Welcome to The SEA Project Archaeological Field Station in Zanzibar

The SEA Project owns and operates a fully functional research station in the fishing village of Mfumbwi, located on the southeast coast of the island of Zanzibar (Unguja). This facility is meant to serve as the base of operations for archaeologists conducting research on the island. It contains two bedrooms, a study, a large kitchen (meant to cook for 15 people at once), a lab and storage space, dining area, and a living room. Most of the compound of the Field Station is given over to a community garden, where fruiting trees are grown for the benefit of the community. It is also meant to serve as a permanent field school in Zanzibar.

Building a research station at the heart of a village allows us to involve community members intimately in research. We are guided in our research questions and priorities by the community and work to make archaeology beneficial and relevant to local stakeholders. The Field Station itself is available for use by community members for their own purposes.